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24/7 photoperiod hurt?

Fred Dulley

8 Jul 2007
Cardiff, Wales
I was asked this question today by a costumer and didn't quite know the answer.
I explaining that plants didn't need any more than 10hours to photosythesise and that I thought the plants required night time to respire. The reason the costume asks is because their vallisneria was going brown.
So, can a 24/7 photoperiod "hurt" plants?
I don't know... I don't think it would be very good for them because as you said, they need night and day to photosynthesise and respire.

If there's livestock in the tank though, they need night to rest so...yeah. 🙂
At the end of the day the plant rests when it has had enough so even if I am not answering the 'can it hurt' question I would say what is the point.

After 12 hours it is highly unlikely that the plant will 'do' anymore so you may as well turn the lights out.
