I'm also using several thermometers..
🙂 A hang on old fashion glass one probably filled with alcohol.. And a few digital ones, also my heating is regulated with an electrinoc thermostat measuring temp with a probe.
My glass thermo says 23,2 c, the digital one says 24.8. The one which regulates the heating has a calibration function. I calibrated this one with the digital in the tank, so both say the same.
🙂 Now the fun part starts, in the summer when the room temp heated up till 29 c, the discrepatie became also greater. The heaters thermostat said 30 c and the one in the tank sayd 28c. So it needs recalibration if the desired temp treshold changes.. But when it goes down again both settle again at 24.8 again.
🙄 Oh and i also have a pocket EC / pH meter with temp probe again saying something else..
Both factory specs of the electronic versions state they both use a 1000K Ohm Heat sensitive Resistor as temp probe. One has a toleration 1% accuraty the other 0.5% accuraty. There you have you discrepanties, the 1000K Ohm probe. This probe passes the electrical current from and to the meter.. Warmer or colder this current changes, these changes are again electronicale recalculated to a number on a display. Those 1000K Ohm probes are a bit wonky, lets call it 50 cents accuraty.
Anyway it's not such a big deal, it al is an estimation of being near the right temperatur, a few degrees difference isn't a problem..