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2 days at aqua telford


27 Dec 2009
Denton, Manchester
I spent 2 days down in telford with Dan Crawford and Stu Worrall setting up planted displays for Hagen, Aquaone and unipac.
Had a great laugh and thought id pop up a few of the tanks we did. 😀

Learnt a few things about layout and was great to see dan and stu just throw a set up together so quick and well.

telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
Pink substrate had to be used
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr

Dan and Stu scaping the new Fluval Fresh range
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr

telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr

telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr

Aqua one stand
telford by Mr-T-, on Flickr
Aqua One tanks look nice.

What was UKaps involvement in this show?
There was no official UKAPS involvement. It's just all the aquascapers involved happen to be UKAPS members invited along by the trade.

Sorry for the hijack, Alistair.
Nice scapes mate, and great to see you all there! Shame you guys couldn't stay for the dinner and ceremony.
I know mate, I so wanted to see the ceremony etc but had tons of fun anyway. We were still hard at work at gone half 9 Tuesday night but well worth it.
Was great to see you too mate and your tank was anazing. I wonder who got your fish???

There was no official UKAPS involvement. It's just all the aquascapers involved happen to be UKAPS members invited along by the trade.

Sorry for the hijack, Alistair.
No hijiack noted mate lol
Looks like it was a good show. Was supposed to make it down (from a reef aspect) but due to changing work commitments, I couldn't make it.

Posted from the comfort of my iPhone...