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1st plant tank... feeling happy with growth opinions please :)


11 Apr 2016
Hi guys... just looking for opinions on this tank... it's 6 weeks old... things look good to me but would like opinions on growth deficiencies/ other potential issues noticeable to you guys that have more experience. It's my 1st plant tank...

No co2. Tropica premium fertiliser and aqua el led deco light. I'm waiting for my t5 unit but I'm pretty happy with this led




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Looking very nice for first planted attempt! Well done.

Your T5 lights will probably cause algae unless you are very careful.
Thanks for the replies guys... so do u guys think I'm better with the led then? When I got it it was as a cheap refugium light but I put it over the display while I waited for the t5 unit and geismann tubes... I'm actually really chuffed with it and thinking of putting a second led on it to make up for the shadows and another one on the sump... I like the fact that I can look in over the top which my t5 unit wouldn't allow me to do.

🙂 thanks for the encouragement guys

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Nice healty plants, enough reason to be a happy customer.. :thumbup: Great.. Keep it up.. 🙂