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170 Litres with 150watt hailed ?

Probably depends more on the design of the reflector than the power of the lamp. Most high intensity lights claim to be able to illuminate something like a 60cm circle, so you'll probably have less light at the ends of the tank than under the lamp.

I've seen very successful 90cm tanks with one MH over them though, so you could be fine. There's a picture of one on this website: http://www.aquariumdesigngroup.com/index2.php?v=v1 , but I can't link directly to the picture: if you go to "Aquascape Galleries", then "Live Planted Aquariums" and then look down the list for a thumbnail that looks as if it's just a picture of one hanging lamp, that's a 90cm tank (there was a journal for it on an american site, but I can't find it).

I'm sure there are users on the forum who have experience of using MH lighting who will be able to give you much more detailed advice, these are just my observations from the internets.

Let us know how you get on!

thanks alot well i was thinking either a single 150w hailed, 2 150w hailed or a single 250watt.

better start reading 😀