Last week I picked up a JBL 1501 filter to replace my old filter. After I got home I realized that my in-line heater Hydor 200w. Has 12mm hose where as the new filter has 16mm hose.
Would it cause a problem if I used an adapter to connect the heater to the filter? I suspect reducing the hose diameter will increase the pressure at the outflow point, will this be a problem? My plan is to put an adapter on each side of the heater.
Any advice is highly appreciated.
Last week I picked up a JBL 1501 filter to replace my old filter. After I got home I realized that my in-line heater Hydor 200w. Has 12mm hose where as the new filter has 16mm hose.
Would it cause a problem if I used an adapter to connect the heater to the filter? I suspect reducing the hose diameter will increase the pressure at the outflow point, will this be a problem? My plan is to put an adapter on each side of the heater.
Any advice is highly appreciated.