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120x45x45 Octopuss on the Rocks

Interesting ! I'm looking at Stripping down my Marine setup and going to Aquascaping . Some of the technical stuff gets a bit into Marines territory - I'm wanting a more Lo- tech setup . Working from the bottom up I note that you use JohnInnes no3 and sand ! Does that work well ?

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Interesting ! I'm looking at Stripping down my Marine setup and going to Aquascaping . Some of the technical stuff gets a bit into Marines territory - I'm wanting a more Lo- tech setup . Working from the bottom up I note that you use JohnInnes no3 and sand ! Does that work well ?
Brilliantly I've always had great success with it. If you don't like the sand a fine 2-3mm gravel works well too.
Have you got a sumped tank? if so add a trickle filter and massively reduce your lighting, I'm only using 1x 54w t5 and you're off to a good start.
Thanks Ollie
Not got a sump ,but do like the low tech approach . Interestingly just read a piece on the same subject elsewhere on the forum by someone who uses JohnInnes3 he has a similar opinion on lighting - his rule of thumb is 1-1.5w per a Gallon which I suspect is not unlike your setup .

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Hi All,
Since the last update I've moved some of the moss around, a couple of pics before I trim it
What a pita it was to trim I was scared I was going to chop a shrimp in half, the bigger ones aren't to bad they're easy enough to shoo but as I was cutting tiny shrimp kept popping out of the moss.
I'd like to know how other people with a lot of moss deal with this?
I personally don't deal well.....I swear and have to keep taking breaks....it frustrates me!! 😀

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