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120x45x45 Octopuss on the Rocks


11 Nov 2009
Witney, UK
Hi All,
Decided to finally get my big tank back up and running. Trying something a bit more scapy this time round. After watching an interesting programme about octopuss I couldnt help but be inspired by those amazing critters. So set about trying to create the impession of an octopuss feeling its way over a rocky crevice.
I've made some modifications to the setup, added a shelf above the tank and bolted my light unit to the bottom of it. Had a 2 piece glass lid knocked up only for 2 of my stuck on blocks to fall off resulting in one the pieces breaking :banghead:.
So that puts back the filling and planting till I get a new bit done.
Enough of the waffling
Really nice mate . What ideas do you have in the way of planting
Still deciding on a final list, the current idea is
Vallis Nana for the back right
Wendtii 'Mi oya' flowing from right rear down towards the open area
A carpet of marsilea for the open area and along the front
Weeping moss on the wood.
Im going to add others to assit with transitions and highlight some areas but still havent decided on what yet...
Very nicely placed hardscape. Is it TGM blue stone?
Marsilea is very nice plant, me using it in one of the scapes now also.
Very nicely placed hardscape. Is it TGM blue stone?
Marsilea is very nice plant, me using it in one of the scapes now also.
Hi Ed:wave:
Not sure on the stone, I think it might be, I'll find out for you.
I'm hoping the marsilea will do well I might intersperse some H. Japan too. Any tips for getting the best out of the marsilea?
Another pic to give a better idea of the overall hardscape position
😵 Where?
Haven't you seen Georges latest scape, I am sure Danny means that one 😉

Looks a little flat and you will need to be careful with the planting or the hardscape might disappear 😉 but with the right planting it will be great :thumbup:
Hi All,
Been a while as lifes been getting in the way as usual.
The tanks planted (Thanks to Fresh Water Shrimp for the plants) but unfortunately I've been having massive issues with my co2 system it went from working well to killing live stock to not at all in the space of a couple of days, coming down in the morning to dead an dying fish shrimp wasnt fun (neither was doing a 90% W/C at 6am). I think the issues may have been caused by my co2 bottle being outside and the changing temperatures messing up the needle valve so I've moved the needle valve inside and everything seems to be behaving itself now and holding steady. So now just to rid myself of the algae issues that have arisen
Anyway just cos everyone loves Shrimp
I didnt think they were too bad for LFS cherries.
FTS as requested

You can see in the middle at the top my solution to the lids falling in. A 1" wide piece of polished stainless folded to fit snugly on the glass.

Still having issues with the needle valve :banghead: so debating whether to get another valve, change my diffusion method or just go no co2

Edit. Wrong FTS
That's nice Ollie 🙂 Make the brackets at work?
Sure did, took a couple of tries to get the bending point right to allow for the radius but got there in the end and I'm pretty happy with the results and they are less obtrusive than I was expecting. Also £3 for the stainless was better than the £20 I was looking at for 8 ADA brackets I would have needed, although if I had only needed 4 I probably would have spent £10 on the ADA ones
It's looking promising. Looking forward to seeing this progress Ollie. 🙂 But I think you need to get more plants in there though. Maybe they can help to keep the algae at bay.
Hi All,
Been a while for an update. Due to trying to study for my EASA part 66, working full time+ and a fairly hectic personal life. I've had to convert the tank to low tech. I'll be making some changes to the plant life over the next few weeks.
The main factor in the conversion was to remove about 8l of the moler clay and add 10l of john innes no3 and 10kg of sand (I'll never get over the amount of substrate this tank can swallow).
