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120 x 55 x 55cm 'On the sea shore'

Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks

ghostsword said:
Do you plant them in bunches or individual stems?

Those above were planted in one bunch of about 20 stems. 🙂

With stems and personal experience, you can plant very densely. The denser the planting, the quicker the effect.

Just to show that certain plants will flourish in gravel alone, here's a shot of starogyne and amania sp. bonsai growing in just gravel. No under gravel help. I do plan on attempting a tank with gravel alone. I did do one like this about 6 years ago and it grew great!

gravel-1 by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks

Mark, this is beautiful. Very envious of you having this slice of nature in your house. I like your choice of music in your videos, compliments them perfectly.

Your whole journal and previous journals are great. With the professional photography, regular updates and the way it develops, the information and knowledge shared, and obviously the scape itself. I have been showing friends who aren't into planted tanks or aquascaping your photographs and videos to give them an idea of what it is all about.

It deserves a proper name though, instead of just "120 x 55 x 55cm"

Do B&Q have a name for that gravel you used in this? I fancy getting some of that.

Could you possibly update us with some specs of co2 input, filters, dosing etc please? 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks

Thanks matey.

All the spec is on page 1 :thumbup:

I'll try and think of a name for the layout. :angel:
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks

Mark Evans said:
Thanks matey.

All the spec is on page 1 :thumbup:

I'll try and think of a name for the layout. :angel:

"The Mirage"

Due to the way the reflections on the sides make it appear much larger than it actually is.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 2 weeks

johnski said:
"The Mirage"

Due to the way the reflections on the sides make it appear much larger than it actually is.

Good name mate :thumbup:

So, 3 weeks have about passed. Not too many issues. I'm going away for 5 days on sunday, so lights will be raised higher and for just 5 hours. Co2 is set.

Here's a halide tastic shot....

3-weeks by saintly's pics, on Flickr

3-weeks-2 by saintly's pics, on Flickr
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 3 weeks and Halides

it filling in great, looks 3 months old already!

got any shot of any moss you want to show us??
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 3 weeks and Halides

tim said:
wow mark ive been working solid for the three weeks youve had this set up and all i can say is WOW

Cheers Tim :thumbup: dont work too hard.

ianho said:
got any shot of any moss you want to show us??

Soon mate...need to let it grow on a bit.

I'm in hefty water change mode ready for when I leave Saturday night for 5 days.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 3 weeks and Halides

Mark Evans said:
I'm in hefty water change mode ready for when I leave Saturday night for 5 days.

Want me to come and tank sit ? (don't worry, i will leave SOME equipment there before I leave 😉 )
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... @ 3 weeks and Halides

wearsbunnyslippers said:
t's almost delicate!

beautiful scape mark!

Cheers WBSlippers :thumbup:

Antipofish said:
Want me to come and tank sit ? (don't worry, i will leave SOME equipment there before I leave )


After 5 nearly 6 days away, I've come home to a happy tank. No ferts required. just co2 and light. The last year or so has taught me a bit about my personnel set-ups and how little work is required to keep them going.

I didn't stress about leaving the tank, in it's early stages, with no ferts.

The tank hasn't changed much since last week (apart from stems) but it's to show a point. Get the lighting just right, and you can lead a trouble free life.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

Mark Evans said:
An important part of moss on the ground is to vacuum it.
So true, can get clogged with nasty stuff very quickly 😉 coming along nicely as always 🙂
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

looks great mate!

what is that plant poking up at the back on the right?
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

Mark your scapes are always lovely and this is no exception + a journal with helpful tips too!

Always something to aspire to here.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

Quick question Mark... your tank looks so close to the cabinet that it doesnt have anything between the glass and cabinet top. Do you have a thin layer of poly or is it indeed bare ? Cheers.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

HarryRobinson said:
Wow! Lots of growth in 5 days! Great job

The stems have rocketed. Thats probably what makes it look a little more 'grown in' The lower growing plants are growing at a snails pace until about the 6 weeks mark, then I'll start to ramp up the lighting.

LondonDragon said:
So true, can get clogged with nasty stuff very quickly

Yep. I've found the longer the hose, the lower the suction. So, when we vac it's just enough to clear out the moss and rough it up a bit, without physically pulling it up.

ianho said:
what is that plant poking up at the back on the right?

Thats the rare echinodorus that was in the 90cm. It's doing great now it's getting light. Once i've seen how it grows, i'll take it out.

Eboeagles said:
Mark your scapes are always lovely and this is no exception + a journal with helpful tips too!

Thanks mate. I'll try to share a few more tips in the future.

Antipofish said:
your tank looks so close to the cabinet that it doesnt have anything between the glass and cabinet top. Do you have a thin layer of poly or is it indeed bare ?

It's bare mate. Directly on the cabinet. Make sure the cabinet and bottom of glass are clean though. I stopped using tank mats a while ago, along with tank heaters.
Re: 120 x 55 x 55cm planted... Home alone

OK so its purely protection against any bits of grit right ? I may go the same way as it gives a cleaner line for sure :thumbup: Could not agree more about tank heaters too 🙂