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1.000 L project. Aquascape by Windyhead.

How about some 'roots' coming down over the rocks down to the sand? A few smaller pieces of dw would add to this scape imo (which is already amazing).
After some time, some of these rocks will be covered by moss, we will not add more driftwood to this aquascape.

ADA and many other brands does not say any details about the composition of their fertilizers, so it is difficult to compare.
Fish will be add later.


What are the evaporation and air moisture like on such a tank?
Do you run a dehumidifier?
Nice. Like it a lot. Like the fact that it appears that none of your planting is coming from the substrate, it's all attached to the rock or wood. Gives a very interesting feel to the tank.
Beautiful! You have inspired me for my next build!
Can you take more pictures of the sump, and filtration underneath?

Amazing..... I didn't realize how big it was until I just looked at page one. You've done an awesome job mate, the balance of nature vs aesthetics is spot on!
Thanks for all!

Aquarium dimensions - 220x70x70 cm.

Sump design is not the best due to some engineering features. One photo of it is at page-1 of this topic.

We plan to add Pterophyllum scalare or P. altum someday.

We have plans to grow plants extending out of the water, but we have low humidity in the room and MH lighting. Would anyone have any suggestions which of the plants will suit us the most?
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