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utricularia graminifolia

  1. Nont

    Fertilising carnivorous plants

    Hi guys, I’m curious to know if there are any benefits to fertilising Utricularia, aldrovanda and other carnivorous plants in general?
  2. Bumblefish

    Trimming Utricularia graminifolia

    Hello everyone, I have a 10 litre nano tank a few months old in which I've been growing a UG carpet. It's starting to get pretty dense at the front and is finally beginning to look fairly good. At the last trim I took it down to about 3cm at which point I exposed some patches which were...
  3. steveno

    A Long Start, another Iwagumi story

    Hello All, I have been away from the hobby for a number of years, after a moving house, as it just wasn’t suitable to set up my old tank, so reluctantly had to get rid of my old tank and all own old equipment. Following a recent change in my personal life, I needed to do something that...
  4. Vivian Andrew

    Is this utricularia graminifolia?

    Hi, Today went to an hill station, we stopped near a water stream and saw utricularia graminifolia in bunch but still wanna confirm whether it is utricularia graminifolia i'm pretty sure it is, see the below pic and do give your comments. I know this plant native is Asia and can be...