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  1. N

    Angelfish disease

    Hello everyone! I need a help with diagnostic angelfish disesae. Two weeks ago I bought from (not LFS, but some guy) pair of angel albino dantums. They both looked health and active and eat on the first day. But on the second day one of them stopped to eat. I waited 2-3 days and after moved him...
  2. The.WishMaster

    Help Needed With Treatment!

    Hi All, I have been running a community tank since last 5 months. Apart from some sick guppies that died everything has been going smooth. 4 days ago, one of my honey gouramis suddenly lost color and then next day a wound/scrape appeared on top of it. It was lying in the corner of the tank. I...
  3. B

    Fish die, videos attached HELP please!

    Hi, have lost guppies in this aquarium for a long time. (4-6 months) Symptoms They "jump" / tilt sideways, stand still in the water surface .... and then for periods they swim around like nothing is wrong. Some of the fish's poop turn into a long thin thread, as seen in the last video, where...
  4. iDigit

    Hardscape wood

    Hello all, I am in the process of setting up a Trigon 190 tank. I have decided on wood as my hardscape base underpinned by some rock. I saw some very nice wood at ridiculous prices at sevceral of my local FS and discovered that the wood was grape vine stems. I have free and random access...