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  1. Nuno da Silva

    Taming aggression in tetras

    Hello everyone! I recently stocked my 60cm cube with 15 silvertip tetras and 6 serpae tetras. They came in excellent health. I have no other fish other than a small bristlenose. I have been running the aquarium for 3 months now and I had a huge snail population. The silvertip tetras had a...
  2. taistrietman

    Biotopes with plants from central Brazil

    Hi all, had the pleasure of meeting Jeff (one of the mods) recently and he encouraged me to get a bit more involved with UKAPS and specifically with the biotope section. I've spent a lot of time exploring aquatic habitats, especially in central Brazil, many of them with plants. You can view...
  3. Chriso

    Can Tetras kill shrimp?

    Hi Everyone, I'm new to the forum so I'm sorry to post with a question like this, but I'm really puzzled... Two days ago, I bought six Queensland Algae Eating Shrimp for my 45cm nano cube. They weren't fully grown but I'd say around 15mm long. I found two of them dead this afternoon and wondered...