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taxiphyllum barbieri

  1. F

    Dry start wood mould

    Hi all, simple question really (hopefully). I have some small bits of wood that I am dry starting in a very humid closed terrarium, it has developed a fuzz like mould or fungus all over one side. Could this hurt Java Moss or Anubis? Could it hurt any of the other semi aquatic aquarium plants...
  2. Iain Sutherland

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    Edit* some specs :geek: Natural Aquario 120 x 45 x 55 superclear glass Natural Aquario Cabinet in matt grey Natural Aquario Light Arm Natural Aquario Stainless Steel inlet and outlets 3 TMC Aquaray 1000nd led tiles on MMS rail and hanging kit TMC Aquaray 8 way controller Eheim 2080 Tetratec...