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stocking tank

  1. Z

    River style 69.69" UK native maybe

    Hello, I am looking to set up a 49.1 gallon, 185ltr tank. length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x13.78 cm — 177x30x35 approx I would like to make this into a nano fish river tank. I have a aow-16 from where this was a marine tank before to create some current for it. The tank will be with...
  2. noobscaper

    Would this be overstocked?

    If I stocked my more or less heavily-planted 240l tank with the following: 5 x angelfish 1 x bristlenose pleco 10 x bronze corydoras would that be considered overstocked?
  3. Grant Binnie

    Stocking a planted 200L tank

    I will be starting to scape my 200L tank this week but I have a few ideas about the fish I want to stock it with. Was thinking German Rams, Gouramis and tetras with a flash pleco too. I have kept neons and glowlights before so I would like to try another type of tetra if possible. I like the...