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  1. Z

    River style 69.69" UK native maybe

    Hello, I am looking to set up a 49.1 gallon, 185ltr tank. length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x13.78 cm — 177x30x35 approx I would like to make this into a nano fish river tank. I have a aow-16 from where this was a marine tank before to create some current for it. The tank will be with...
  2. P

    Amazonas - 100L Low Cube Build

    Hi UKAPS! Here's the build log for my living room aquascape. As per my intro, I currently have poison frog vivariums but am returning to the planted tank world, having dipped my toes in a couple years back. This time I'm looking to take it up a notch with higher end equipment and heavy...
  3. noobscaper

    Would this be overstocked?

    If I stocked my more or less heavily-planted 240l tank with the following: 5 x angelfish 1 x bristlenose pleco 10 x bronze corydoras would that be considered overstocked?
  4. Sara_Notfors

    70L tank - stocking advice

    Hi all, I’ve been running my 70L tank for about 9 months now (first aquarium as an adult!) and have 9 black neon tetras, 2 rummy nosed tetras and two Otocinclus. It’s well planted and I have bog wood (light brown water), and running an aqua one cf1000. I’ve been having issues with the rummy...
  5. Deer

    Stocking suggestions for "open" 60l 45x45 cube?

    I was originally planning on moving my Chili Rasporas and smattering of otos and cherry shrimp from my nano once it is dismantled into this tank, however I've decided to keep the nano up and running! So any suggestions for this now empty tank? It won't have a great deal of cover as I'm mainly...