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shrimp keeping

  1. M

    Cherry shrimp Vs Amano shrimp with bettas

    Good evening all, hope your enjoying the warm weather for a change! im looking into shrimp to go in my bettas tank. I’ve had recommendations for amano and cherry shrimps. So i have a couple questions.. Can cherry and amano shrimp live harmoniously with each other? Will either of the shrimp...
  2. Dazbaird13

    Please can someone help, my shrimp are slowly dying on me!.

    Hi there, I’m urgently requesting some help. I’m still new to aquariums & fish, so forgive me if I’m getting some things mixed up. For around the last month, my shrimp have been slowly dying on me. It’s not just the one breed of shrimp, it’s them all such as XL Amano, Cherry , Yellow shrimp &...
  3. Savi_g

    Ei method, safe for shrimps?

    Hi again guys! So, I’ve been doing the EI method for ferts for only 4 days now and although I haven’t checked my big boy tank (325ltr) we have noticed a few dead shrimp in my partners 90ltr. I’m only dosing a little over 10ml for her tank and I did see that the micro dry salts I made my 500ml...
  4. ShrimpKeeper

    tmc nutrasoil with CBS?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has had success using this product with CBS in there tanks? I know most people use ebi gold but the TMC soil is easier to get at my LFS,Is there much difference between these products? :)