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  1. S

    Feeding tiny Chili Rasboras- cultures?

    Hi all, I've just purchased some chili raspboras however they are tiny! I purchased some micro pellets (which I had to crush) however they try, then spit it out 😱 and couple look quite thin. I was thinking of hatching brine shrimp/micro worms or something along those lines - I have no idea...
  2. AKD594

    Boraras Rasbora spp. Show me what you've got, any advice for the prospective keeper?

    Hi Guys Thinking of picking up some Boraras rasbora spp. in the next few months and thought I'd do some homework. Just looking for any little bits of advice for the prospective keeper. Also being a bit nosey so would love to see any photos you might have of them/their tanks. Thanks in advance
  3. MrHidley

    First Low Tech Planted Tank... Now High Tech!

    My girlfriend asked that I set up a scape for the lounge. Because I'm pretty busy and don't have much time for maintenance right now I decided to set up something low tech and easy to care for, this is what I came up with. Having only previously had high tech planted tanks I couldn't believe how...
  4. GreenNeedle

    Where have all the hedgerows gone - 30 litre Opti-white

    Technical Specs: 30 litre Opti-white aquarium (L 40cm, H 30cm, D 30cm) Fluval U1 Internal filter BeamsWork 9 x 1W LED Clip on luminaire (2 hours morning, 5 hours evening) No heater or filter Fertilisation 1.5ml Lush Max weekly Plants: Micranthemum 'Monte Carlo', Ammania Bonsoi, Staurogyne...
  5. J

    No quintaessence.

    Just presenting my new nano tank. Its in growing process. Hopefully I will be updating it as the echinodorus tennellus carpet grows in. http://i1376.photobucket.com/albums/ah5/nanananannanananananan/Mobile Uploads/20141218_120629_zps8c357f2d.jpg By the way, has anyone noticed the echinodorus...
  6. Aron_Dip

    "Nature's Envy" Chilli Rasbora Pics

    Hi guys after a little nudge from Alastair to start up a very early journal here goes lol.. Over the Years iv had a massive interest in fish (mostly catching them) as a keen Carp angler and also been turning my hand to a little gardening.. Iv had many tanks as a kid full of algae, multi...