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plant ferts

  1. S

    Dry fert suppliers

    I run a couple of planted tanks and have a set fertizer mix I've been using now for a number of years. Unfortunately, I can no longer find anyone online to buy from. Can anyone suggest a supplier or am I going to have to change? My current mix uses: Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) Potassium Phosphate...
  2. AlexFeather

    Liquid fertilisers - which is the best ?

    I am on the market for liquid fertiliser and was wondering what everyone uses/what everyone thinks is the best. Up until now I have been using API leaf zone, I like the product as it is a weekly dose (which I can easily remember to do when I do a water change) which I prefer over a daily dose...
  3. Nathanh2150

    D-D P1 Dosing Pump

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on a dosing pump
  4. Rob_Planted

    Tank Transformation! House Move! I’m scared but join me for the ride!

    Hi everyone, First journal from a new member so please be nice! Ok so where to start... I have kept tropical fish for 5/6 years now, and my pride and joy at the moment is my Fluval Roma 125L that has been running for 3 years pretty successfully, but with the focus on the fish. I have...
  5. gary lee

    fluval edge carbon satchet

    Does the carbon satchet in the fluval edge media neutralise any plant ferts used?