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  1. hitmanx

    The Celestial Swamp - A voyage through a flooded forest fringe (Shallow Riparium)

    Well one year into planted tanks, I felt that I had to build a riparium after seeing some spectacular examples over the years by people on both sides of the pond... My first attempt has been very successful and has been a great learning experience, but it's diminutive size is lacking in the awe...
  2. James Flexton

    Twin Peaks - Jimbooo's Journal Mk4

    Hi Everyone, Some of you may remember my journals from way back in 2006/2007 when I went a bit planted tank mad (Jimbooo's Jungle Journal 1,2,and3, the step by step riccia article and the plant maintenance article) all initially on fishforums.net then over here when UKAPS first established...