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nutrient imbalance

  1. algae_connoisseur

    Can you ever completely eradicate algae?

    I was wondering if it is possible to create a completely ‘algae free’ set up? Is it just equilibrium to have algae as part of the balance? Every tank iv ever seen has it somewhere to the naked eye, so what are your views Andy
  2. M

    Pale Yellow Growth in Rotala Green with EI Dosing

    Hi all, I've been struggling for a while now with the color in my Rotala Rotundafolia Green. I've had this tank set up since November and haven't been able to get the proper vibrant green out of my plants. Rotala Green, being a fast grower, shows the most egregious signs of the pale growth as...
  3. Zak Rafik

    What exactly causes BBA?

    The more I read about BBA, the more I'm getting lost. It seemed that BBA was a result of not enough Co2 or fluctuating levels of Co2, at least that's what I have read here many many times in this forum. But I cam across this info at http://www.gwapa.org/articles/algae/ and it states this about...