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  1. CooKieS

    45x27x30, ‘Apocalypse Now!’

    Hi there, So lots of changes on my plans; -My beloved 60p is now sold and is going to it’s new home end of this week. -My 17l shrimp nano is now going without co2 and temporary host the betta from the 60p. -Got an 45x30x27 from Viv (same quality as Ada 45p) to replace the 60p. Equipment...
  2. B

    Concrete Mountain Landscape

    The idea A couple of mountains with a mountain range in the background. Spaces for aquasoil in built into the rocks and lifted up to different levels of height, some right below the lamp, at the top of the mountains. So I hope to bring smaller foreground plants up into the mountains! The...
  3. CooKieS

    17l fireaqua iwagumi

    Hi, Small nano 17l opti by fireaqua. 31x20x26cm Ancient stone Some Wood roots First tryout in 10min; Any plants suggestions welcome! Cheers
  4. Kalum

    Bonsai Mountain Scape

    After starting my first tank (Superfish Home 60) I found that I was limited more than I first realised I would be due to the all in one nature of the tank. Being a bit naive I thought I'd be able to achieve what I had pictured in my head but soon realised that without making fundamental changes...
  5. CooKieS

    Nano forest aquascape, 45x30x30

    Hi there, Time to start a new journal! :happy: Specs; -45x30x30(cm), optiwhite tank -chihiros aquasky 451 -eheim ecco pro -jbl u500 CO2 Hardscape; -black scale rocks -nano tree roots -Ada Colorado sand -Ada aqua Gravel S -tropica soil+powder+jbl volcano Plants; -mosses (A lot!)...