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  1. J

    Journal on my new 200L low tech with Under Gravel Filter

    Hello guys and gals! For a quite long time I was preparing myself to set up a new planted tank using under gravel filter (UGF), but I also wanted to try the lasagna method that I learned with Alex, from the "Fishtory, the History behind your aquarium" a YT channel that I find quite informative...
  2. Akwarysta_pl

    054l - My own Borneo - Michał

    Hello; I want to present my aquarium which was arranged by the way of buying of some new plants. I had to put them to the aquarium without any idea concerning scape and I had collect another plants in the next days and put them also there randomly. In the next days I saw this all together in...
  3. Joris

    The fallen tree [60L low-tech]

    Hi Guys! Just started an account here after a long time of lurking around. I want to contribute to the forum by sharing my second aquascape journey. Most recent update: In july this year I started with my first ‘aquascape’. It was a 30 liter cube with some easy plants and it currently looks...
  4. K

    In at the deep end

    Hello Everyone. New member here from Israel. Glad to be on the forum. I've wanted a planted tank for ages now, but finances and other obligations meant it just wasn't feasible. However, I was on my way home yesterday when something caught my eye. I'm always on the look out for useful trash...
  5. J

    Need Light Recommendation please

    Hello guys. Need your recommendation on light for my new low tech tank. Tank is 320l 65cm tall. I'm only going to grow easy plants like anubias, java fern and amazon swords as i don't want CO2. At the moment i'm deciding between finnex planted 24/7 or iQuatics unit with 2 x 54W T5 light bulbs...
  6. stefano-bonalume

    25 Liters - Low Tech

    Hi, everybody. I just wanted to show you my low-tech \ nano tank. The tank is Wave Box 40 Cosmos (25 liters), with a small internal corner filter, heater and the light originally included was a 20W Cosmos Freshwater, but I recently changed it to a 25W light (1400 lumen, 6500K). Currently I...
  7. George Farmer

    Journal My best low-tech 'scape so far

    Hi all, I thought I'd post a quick photo of my Superfish Expert 70. No CO2 or liquid carbon. Occasional ferts (Colombo Pro) and Colombo Pro Soil. Internal filter and It hasn't had a water change in 3 months. Plants are mostly crypts, buces, Rotata and some Anubias, Cyperus. Incredibly low...
  8. IvanF

    First Low-Tech attempt - any thoughts?

    Hi All, I thought I would share my first low-tech attempt (work in progress), in order to gauge whether I'm on the right track or missing anything. Any advice, critique or suggestions welcome.....: I'm trying to keep things relatively simple and have gone for epiphytes and floating plants...
  9. Jake101

    Box of Dreams. Seriously, I have seen dreams about it.

    I have been waiting this moment for two long years. After giving up on my last larger-than-nano tank, there has not been a single week without a thought about the next one. I started planning this project last February. First I couldn't make my mind about anything, since the number of...
  10. Jake101

    Suitable LED for open top aquarium

    Hi, Could you recommend decent options for LED lighting. The tank is 80x50x35 open top riparium style low-tech, naturally inspired by Alastair's Chocolate Puddle and Tom's Bucket O' Mud. The lights will be hanging about 1 m from the surface (so probably 60 degree lens is the right choice). I...
  11. G

    Cryptic Haven Low-energy Update Pics

    Finally got round to stripping down my existing low-energy scape and starting a new one...Scape-Horn; so called 'cause of the pointy rocks...did you see what I did there?:D I'm using my usual mix of 1:1 moss peat and aquatic compost. Its 60mm at its deepest and the sand cap is a similar depth at...