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light advice

  1. N

    Advise on light schedule

    Hello everyone! I would like to get your advise and opinion on light schedule. I have 250cm long and 70cm with aquarium. My lights 3xAqautlantis Easy led 2 and1455mm and 3x1000mm version. My schedule is: 10:00 - 14:00 -> 5% 14:00 - 22:00 -> 80% 22:00 - 23:00 -> 5% I see that my plants are...
  2. C


    I've replaced my two t8 fluorescent tubes to two t8 LEDs . The LEDs say the par is 167 at 20cm. If the LEDs are around 50cm above the substrate level would the par drop off alot? There is two of them so they should be ok for a low tech?
  3. V

    Help choose a chihiros light

    Hi all , Planning to convert my Malawi tank into high tech planted tank. Dimensions are 120*60*50 cm (L*W*H) . Ideally i would like to have a full coverage and power to have flexibility on the type of scape I can make. I was thinking about buying a wrgb2 120 and hang it to get full coverage of...
  4. Nont

    Is Chihiros A501 enough for 60cm low-tech?

    my high-tech 60p tank (3 inches substrate) have carpet of H. tenellum and some small E. cordifolius. I want to convert it to low-tech, low-light tank, do you think the plants would thrive with Chihiros A-series A501 ?
  5. Savi_g

    Chihiros WRGB II 120 HELP!

    Hi there guys I fear by letting you all get a look at my tank, there’s going to be a lot of opinions that may revolve around me changing things I’m already pretty happy with for instance, amount of plants, amount of fish, equipment and so on but I’m trying a new approach of spend less, do less...
  6. M

    Zetlight Lancia 2 worth it?

    I'm looking at upgrading my cheap LED to a decent light. Unfortunately, I live in South Africa and my choice is very limited - Zetlight lancia or ms - they have some beamworks (extremely limited sizes available). Is the lancia worth getting or is the regular Zetlight MS freshwater series good? I...
  7. Nathanh2150

    Thoughts on the ADA Background light

    Hi All, Today wile visiting my favourite aquascaping store in Norwich I came across an ADA Background Lighting Unit that goes on the back of the aquarium which can be dimmed to the preferred ambience to suite your aquarium. I am more then likely gonna dibble into my savings to get one for my...