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  1. NathanB

    The Crypt Jungle

    Hi Everyone! This is my 90L 60x40x40 Cryptocoryne dominated aquascape. The tank is roughly 2-3 months old right now, things are progressing slowly but recently I have noticed lots of new growth! I'll get this journal started with this photo and post some updates in the near future. Any plant...
  2. IconicHornbill

    First time tank!

    First planted tank, let me know your thoughts! I was told to plant heavily, so I did. Everything's settled in nicely and the shoal of 15 harlequin rasbora seem quite content in their new home, along with zebra nerite snails and amano shrimp. The tank's been up and running for just less than 3...
  3. Harry H

    EA600 high tech jungle, fingers crossed!

    Hello, First, I would like to say a thank you to all of you for sharing your experiences and knowledge. I would not be able to attempt to have a high tech tank if I haven't found this forum. I have read a lot, seen inspiring tanks and layouts in here, I hope some of that sticks in and helps me...
  4. Ray_Norwich

    A little low tech jungle

    Final full tank shot: Title: untitled Dimensions: 36, 36, 43H (Askoll Pure LED M) CO2: Colombo FloraGrow CO2 alternative (2mls daily) Filtration: 4 stage (mechanical, fine, carbon & biological) inbuilt in hood Lights: 7 watts inbuilt LED in hood Photo Period: 8 hrs / day...
  5. Kalum

    Rivers Edge - ADA 45P - planted and filled

    After initially having my halfmoon rosetail betta in his own tank and moving him to a peaceful community tank I've decided while he seems happy, he definitely enjoyed being on his own more so this will be tailored to him, plus it satisfies my MTS.... Simple low tech mini jungle theme with...
  6. Goose157

    90 l cleaning crew set up.....

    Got my first planted tank set up, 90ltr - co2art se with 2kg fe....everything is running very well. Fish are happy so far....slowly upping the co2....drop checker is telling things are good.... My question is how do I keep it this way....! I want to get some sort of cleaning crew in there but I...
  7. Gaina

    New Fluval Roma 125

    I set up my new aquarium this week (Fluval Roma LED 125) and placed a few plants from my old aquarium in there along with some hardscape just to get a sense of perspective whilst I decide what I'm going to do with it. My aim is to create a loose Southeast Asian biotope in a 'jungle' style. I...
  8. Justal

    Relocated tank saved

    I've written most of this elsewhere on these forums, but as I'm now going to keep this tank I thought I'd start a journal for it too. Dimensions: 90 x 30 x 38cm Lighting: 3x 25W T5 Filtration: A tiny little internal filter that barely works... (In fact it hadn't been working at all for about 3...
  9. Kogre

    Aquatic Jungle

    Hi all. A few years ago George Farmer posted a guide on setting up an underwater jungle aquarium (which can be seen here). His setup was a high tech setup that I absolutely loved. I liked the layout, the textures and the colours, and I plan on replicating his effort to a bigger scale in a...
  10. The Doctor's Companion

    Bowl of Shrimp

    Journal for my little zen-jungle aka my bowl of shrimp. For all of you who geek out about high-tech tanks this will be completely boring as my tank contains absolutely no addition of technology (yet). (If you'd be so kind to ignore the reflection in the glass, as obviously I am no...
  11. scapegoat

    'Maya Cenote' 250l jungle

    Hi guys I've finally got it together to start my first journal, this is my second planted tank and my first large one so please go easy ;) Now the idea of this tank is to make a thick jungle surrounding a cave system with inspiration taken from the cenotes of Central and South America...
  12. iPlantTanks

    Welcome to the Jungle

    Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to the UKAPS forum but I consider myself a devoted fish and plant keeper. Anyway here's my main tank, 95 litre open top Jungle layout, powered by 20W's of GU10 LED and injected with pressurized CO2. Home to numerous community fish and a few red cherry shrimp, about...