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  1. H

    CO2 - 2kg Fire Extinguishers

    Hey guys, long time since I've been here - but I thought it might be a good thing to pop in and recommend a great guy for CO2 (in 2kg and sometimes 5kg bottles) for ridiculously cheap compared to commercial options. Been visiting him for over 5 years now, currently has quite a few bottles (must...
  2. Leesey

    Decided to go for co2!

    Right i have decided to go for co2 I will be putting the co2 into the final chamber of my sump and the return pump will then take it back up into the main tank. My question is what is the best way for me to get it into the tank. I have been on numerous websites and i am struggling to figure out...
  3. John P Coates

    500g Liquid CO2 = what volume of CO2 gas?

    Hi Folks, Does anyone know how to convert from liquid CO2 to CO2 gas? No, the answer is not a regulator! I have a JBL 500g cylinder and I would like to estimate how long it will last. I simply need to know what this weight of liquid CO2 is equivalent to when it converts to gaseous CO2. It is...