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fish stocking

  1. Z

    River style 69.69" UK native maybe

    Hello, I am looking to set up a 49.1 gallon, 185ltr tank. length x width x height Inches — 69.69x12x13.78 cm — 177x30x35 approx I would like to make this into a nano fish river tank. I have a aow-16 from where this was a marine tank before to create some current for it. The tank will be with...
  2. M

    Stocking Poll for 54 litre planted tank

    After a long vacation where I had a disaster in my aquarium and had all my plants and fish die (harlequin rasboras and neon tetras), I have now rescaped and got it to the point that it was before. Here is a pic of the tank in the current condition Tank specifications are as follows: Volume ...
  3. Nont

    Filtration and flow for fish only tank?

    Hello everyone. I have this tank that is overstocked plantless tank;190 litres tank with silver dollar (that eat plants), angelfish, 2 discus and 3 loaches. Apparently 4 years ago, I don’t know anything about keeping fish and bought them (plese don’t judge me) I can’t find anyone who can keep...
  4. noobscaper

    Would this be overstocked?

    If I stocked my more or less heavily-planted 240l tank with the following: 5 x angelfish 1 x bristlenose pleco 10 x bronze corydoras would that be considered overstocked?
  5. Jakub Sobczak

    7 gallon tank fish stocking (New to the hobby)

    I am new to the tropical fish hobby and wanted some advice on my new aquarium. I have done a lot of research but wanted some more opinions specific to my set up. (I know this is a small tank but I don't know if I will be staying in my flat for longer then 1.5 years so didn't want to go...