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  1. Marcel G

    Experiment: Finding optimal conditions for growing aquarium plants 2

    Chapter 2: Growing plants with lean fertilisation in the water column Introduction See Chapter 1 for an introduction and more general information about this experiment. More detailed information and further experiments can be found [if interested] on my website: golias.net/akvaristika/...
  2. Marcel G

    Experiment: Finding optimal conditions for growing aquarium plants

    Chapter 1: Growing plants with heavy fertilisation in the water column Introduction Plants differ not only in shape, color, size or growth rate, but also in their requirements or preferences. While all plants need water, light, heat, nutrients and the absence of harmful influences to grow...
  3. J.C. Roozee

    Bucephalandra propagation in 50L shallow storage box

    After 6 months of no activity, I had the time to update a bit more on the current situation of the Bucephalandras (Buces) I have been keeping in a large storage box. The box contains a 3 cm layer of "lava split" which is used for ground cover in gardens. The box is also filled with tap water (I...
  4. AlexVojProc

    Hoagland solution as an alternative to EI dosing

    What is the Hoagland solution? The Hoagland solution is a nutrient solution developed in the 1930s-1950s. It was originally developed by Hoagland and Arnon for use in hydroponics, as detailed in their 1950 paper "The water-culture method for growing plants without soil". Since hydroponics is the...