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ei fertilizer

  1. Mark.A

    AIO EI Fertilizer Guidance please?

    Hello everyone, I've been without a tank for a few years, I got rid of my last one when we moved 3 years ago with plans to start again, bigger and better, once we were sorted. We are now fully sorted in our new home and the itch is getting too much so I'm looking at setting up the new tank, on...
  2. M

    Review my fert solution mix

    Hi, This will be the first time I am getting into making my own solution from dry salts and EI dosing. I have purchased dry EI fertilizer kit from PlantedBox (link to kit) and am looking to make EI solution (separate macros & micros) based on the IFC Fert Calculator. The kit contains: • 500gr...
  3. Savi_g

    Ei method, safe for shrimps?

    Hi again guys! So, I’ve been doing the EI method for ferts for only 4 days now and although I haven’t checked my big boy tank (325ltr) we have noticed a few dead shrimp in my partners 90ltr. I’m only dosing a little over 10ml for her tank and I did see that the micro dry salts I made my 500ml...
  4. Mihai Varban

    How to mix EI salt solution for low tech/What doesn't mix well with other chemicals?

    Greetings kind ladies and gentlemen of UKAPS. I return to you today after reading ceg4048's article on EI and all of the info available on the aquariumplantfood website. I have several low tech tanks as follows: 3 fluval spec Vs 2 dennerle 55l cubes 1 ciano 80L all heavily planted and lit low...
  5. Insectkiller2005

    Ei Ferts

    Hi anyone used the APF complete ferts from apfuk ? If so is it any good ?
  6. Zak Rafik

    Preparing stock solution for EI dosing. Which is right?

    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of preparing some stock solution as part of my EI dosing. Can someone clarify which is the right method in making the stock solution. Please note the below mentioned quantity is just for example sake. Scenario: According to an on-line fertz calculator, I was...
  7. Zak Rafik

    Dose dosing EI fertilization effect Nitrates (NO3) readings?

    Hi guys,:) I'm dosing EI fertilization for my planted tank for the past few weeks. Before I started EI dosing, whenever I check my tank's water parameters, it would be: Ammonia : 0 ppm Nitrites (NO2) : 0 ppm Nitrates (NO3) : 0 ppm However, after I started on EI, I noticed that apart from...