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dark start

  1. ideorium

    Aquascape Debut: Crafting a 70 L / 18.5 gal - so excited!

    Hi everyone, This will be my first attempt at aquascaping with proper equipment, and I’m excited to enter the aquarium hobby! I’ve decided to go with the dark start method (I just hope I can stay patient—it's really hard to stare at an empty aquarium when everything is set up! 😅). For now...
  2. Lance Wisher

    I rushed the hardscape, now I'm halfway cycled. Can I change it up?

    Hi everyone! This is my first aquascape (see pictures below) - I'm wanting to do it all "right" - or create the best conditions for the plants and fish to thrive (as we all do :) ). I chose a "dark start" fishless/plantless cycle strategy as what I gleaned was the most conservative/successful...