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critique my aquascape

  1. Lia Joy

    First Aquascape

    Completed my first attempt at aquascaping. Looking forward to seeing it grow in! CO2 and Chihiros light What do you think?
  2. MisterrBee

    New Member

    Hi all, I'm new to this site so wanted to introduce myself and my tanks. I have been into aquascaping for the past 4 or 5 years now. I have built 2 nano tanks, one 55 L and one 65 L te get myself into the hobby. Both tanks were without Co2 but i have just pushed the boat out with a huge 550...
  3. Framed Nature

    Looking for better transition plant

    Hi everyone! Below is my 10G I have been working on for a few months, and only recently realized my blyxa is going to be WAY too big for this tank. Im curious on what everyone recommends as a better transition plant into the hardscape and possibly between the lobelia and rotala. One option I...
  4. Nont

    Critique my aquascape My Dutch-ish Scape

    Hi guys, I started this dutch-ish tank 2 months ago the tank was inspired by Greggz tank and Libba 60p. And I would like to know you guys’s opinions on it and if there any plants I should remove. The tank have been doing quite well at the time of typing this and is now free of algae, thanks to...
  5. Marios

    Critique my hardscape

    Hi all, I am currently awaiting for my cabinet to arrive and decided to experiment with my scape while waiting. I would appreciate if I can have your comments and/or suggestions. FYI, the TV will be lifted a further 30 cm to give some space for the lighting unit (Chihiros WRGB 2), which...
  6. Peppie71

    Critique my aquascape Nanocube 60 first aquascape

    I started this scape 5 months ago. Tank: Dennerle Nanocube 60 Lighting: 2x Chihiros 30 RGB Filtration: Eheim 3 250T Aqua medic Reefdoser CO2 injection via an inline diffusor Plants: Helanthium tennellum Heteranthera Zosterifolia Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' Rotala 'Vietnam H'ra' I got...