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  1. Victor

    CO2 gaseous equilibrium with atmosphere

    Hi, folks! What's the correct equilibrium concentration of CO2 in water with atmosphere? I read in Diana Wastad book's (Ecology of planted aquarium) that it's about 0,5 ppm. But most people say it's 3 ppm. I'm quite confused. So, it's 0,5 or 3? Thank you.
  2. jaypeecee

    Fluctuating CO2 Levels

    Hi Folks, Would anyone care to quantify fluctuating CO2 levels? This term crops up a lot but exactly what does it mean? The word 'fluctuating' refers to something that varies with time. So, when we refer to fluctuating CO2, are we referring to CO2 levels that vary throughout the photoperiod...
  3. John P Coates

    Why do we aim for 30 ppm CO2?

    Hi folks, I get the impression that 30ppm is the target CO2 concentration in planted aquaria. If what I say is correct, why is 30 ppm CO2 considered optimum? Looking at the Tropica aquatic plants website, I see that many, if not most, plants are happy with less than 15ppm. That being so, I am...