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  1. Vasteq

    Rare plants from Poland

    Hello. I am a breeder and lover of rare aquarium plants, mainly Bucephalandra. For many years I have been acquiring the most interesting varieties from other collectors from around the world. I would like to present you a gallery of my plants. I hope you like it. Akatha „Dark” An interesting...
  2. P

    One rhizome bucephalandra

    Do you like bucephalandra?
  3. Tankless

    Hermits End

    Following my first aquascape which ended up being a failure. I decided it was time to make the tank look a little bit better. The goals were as follows: 1. Keep ample space to clean the glass 2. Keep the plants and fish healthy 3. Cap maintenance to maximum of one hour a week 4. Maintain the...
  4. Courtneybst

    Buce Box (How to easily propagate Bucephalandra and other emersed plants)

    Hey guys, after a little poke from @Wookii , I thought I'd share what I'm doing to propagate some of my emersed plants, particularly Bucephalandra. Full disclaimer; I was not the first to do this and there are many examples of people doing it online. It is also common place in large plant...
  5. J.C. Roozee

    Bucephalandra propagation in 50L shallow storage box

    After 6 months of no activity, I had the time to update a bit more on the current situation of the Bucephalandras (Buces) I have been keeping in a large storage box. The box contains a 3 cm layer of "lava split" which is used for ground cover in gardens. The box is also filled with tap water (I...
  6. Gill


    New Pico coming soon Tank has been ordered tonight and should be here by next weekend. This one is going to be an Odd one indeed, don't think anyone on here has used this tank before for a nano/pico. The shape of this will make it challenging to scape and plant, but that is what appeals to me...
  7. Kalum

    Progression - ADA 75P - partially planted

    My previous scape in this tank ended here: The Island - ADA 75P - It's been a while.... Easy title as i'm hoping that after just 3 years in hobby i've at least progressed a tiny bit and able to put into practice what i've learned so far (with a lot still to learn). Main idea of this scape will...
  8. UsAndThem

    UNS 5S Bucephalandra Nature scape

    I've titled this piece "Life in Borneo". "ive always wanted to do an aquascape full of Bucephalandra and if you have 3 minutes to spare give it quick watch and leave your comments below ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUGBwpGxE_A&t=16s
  9. bettaguy

    My favourite terrarium

    It did have more buce where the soil is empty but that died I will try more when it grows more
  10. bettaguy

    My brownie ghost 2011

    This is under a macro lens it’s really tiny
  11. bettaguy

    Any ideas what buce type this is?

    I THINK it’s buce sp. Red. That’s what I have written in my Instagram story when I planted the tank but I’m just not convinced about it myself. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. bettaguy

    When the buce pokes up and out

    Absolutely my favourite picture of my buce! Especially Because of the angry betta in the bottom right hahaha
  13. bettaguy

    My favourite shrimp are simple cherry shrimp!

    My all time favourite shrimp is the simple cherry shrimp!
  14. bettaguy

    I saw a post asking about the ADA terra base

    I saw a post talking about the ADA terra base so I thought I'd share mine which is freshly planted, this was the next day after being planted so it hasn't matured at all. The terra base itself is £30 but the glass is more. I don't believe the glass is needed though but it was for me to keep...
  15. Kalum

    The Island - ADA 75P - It's been a while....

    This has been a few months coming after my barn find of a tank earlier this year, so I’ve been playing with ideas and stockpiling hardscape since and waiting till I had more time to get this set up. A return to high tech and my first proper attempt at a fairly high light tank. Tank – ADA 75P...
  16. N

    Broken Bucephalandra through post.

    Hello everyone. Just canvassing advice regarding some Bucephalandra I bought which was delivered by post. I believe it is the Kedagang variety. It was growing on a small stone about 3x3 cm. On receipt, there were three parts to what was originally one. A stone with sbout 3cm of rhizome and two...
  17. Kalum

    Buce propagation project

    So my rough and ready quarantine tank has been sitting staring at me and my buce obsession finally got the better of me (just won over my want for another koi betta). The aim with this is solely to grow bucephalandra as well as I possibly can within this tank Tank is an aqua one betta trio...
  18. Ray_Norwich

    A little low tech jungle

    Final full tank shot: Title: untitled Dimensions: 36, 36, 43H (Askoll Pure LED M) CO2: Colombo FloraGrow CO2 alternative (2mls daily) Filtration: 4 stage (mechanical, fine, carbon & biological) inbuilt in hood Lights: 7 watts inbuilt LED in hood Photo Period: 8 hrs / day...
  19. oscarlloydjohn

    H2O2 dip recipe

    Anyone have a recipe for a Hydrogen Peroxide/H2O2 dip? I want to kill some Cladophora that I got in on a Buce recently. There seems to be a lot of contrasting info out there! Cheers
  20. oscarlloydjohn

    Safe bleach for bleach dip

    I realise a Potassium Permanganate dip or H2O2 dip would be safer for my Buce but I don't have any on hand and H2O2 is really hard to get in the UK. What kind of bleach do you guys use for bleach dips? I was thinking Tesco or Asda basic value bleach. I saw George Farmer use the Tesco value...
  21. Fiske

    Aquascaper 600 - Fry

    So I've spent an inordinate amount of time considering what tank I'd want for upgrading from my 45P. Starting out considering a 60P, from there on fantasizing about 90Ps and 120Ps (ignoring the fact that my floors seems to be made of custard). Back to the 60P as an immediate upgrade. Then I was...
  22. AquamaniacUK

    The old forest

    Hi Time to share another assembly. This will be my last assembly made in England. Tank : Clearseal 40x 30x 30 cm aprox. 36 litres Filtration : Dennerle scapers flow Lighting: Chihiros Aquasky 451 (Initially 6 hours, currently 7 hours day) Heating : Fluval mirrored M 200 watts Co2 ...
  23. MrHidley

    James' 4ft Rainbow Refuge

    Hi all, A relative was going to bin this tank, so I took it on. Didn't want to spend too much money so built the stand out of concrete blocks and plywood. The sides and back were painted black apart from one chunk of the back pane for some reason, so I decided to paint that bit myself rather...
  24. George Farmer

    Video - Step-by-step Aquascape

    Hi all Here's a video of me aquascaping a Dennerle Scapers Tanks using some very cool plants, and with guest appearance from the legendary Stefan Hummer aka The Plantahuhter! I hope you like it! Cheers, George
  25. Manuel Arias

    Bucephalandra sp. information

    Hi all, I am thinking in the potential of these plants. I have read some information about this species here and there, but I have the feeling that it is difficult to know what varieties are available in the market, as well as not much information about what causes the famous disease this plant...
  26. tmiravent


    Hi, i'll star a new journal for my medium tank, the place for my bucephalandras! Here is the setup: Date: 12 Setembro 2015 Tank: 96L [80x30x40 Vidromoldura] Cabinet: DIY [carvalho] [White colver by bracaman] + metalic structure by vidromoldura Light: LED DIY [48W 8 x 6W . 40000 lumen . 6000ºK...
  27. João Miguel Silva

    The Green Stream - Aquascaping 90L

    Name: The Green Stream Setup Date: 13/03/2015 Description: The Green Stream was born as an idea a few months, the concept was to replicate the underwater image of a river bank with sand bed where the vegetation brings out the transition between the bed and the margin, which is the perspective in...
  28. Iain Sutherland

    Lakeland Wraith - NA 120

    Afternoon all, now that Asian Dreams has been taken down it is time to start a new journal for the new scape. This will take a couple of weeks to complete set up as im very short on time with work and i still need to organise plants. Hardscape is almost complete, just waiting for some more...
  29. Iain Sutherland

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    Edit* some specs :geek: Natural Aquario 120 x 45 x 55 superclear glass Natural Aquario Cabinet in matt grey Natural Aquario Light Arm Natural Aquario Stainless Steel inlet and outlets 3 TMC Aquaray 1000nd led tiles on MMS rail and hanging kit TMC Aquaray 8 way controller Eheim 2080 Tetratec...
  30. niru

    Anyone tried these "exotic" species

    Hello Everyone I got hold of the following from a new lfs. All plants are from Italian company Anubias, and are invitro cultures except one. Has anyone tried/have these, and what are their recomendations regarding growing and aquascaping... 1. Bucephalandra Motteyana sp. Sintang (very...
  31. Vasteq

    The Lovely World of Bucephalandra!

    Thanks a lot everyone for appreciation of my work. Could I ask "moderator" to make a correction in my article? I have no access to edit. These sentences needed correction: ------------------------------- From my experience, I have found that decreasing the intensity of the light and increasing...