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  1. oscarlloydjohn

    Recharging purigen question

    Just tried to recharge my bag of purigen for the first time, left it in half bleach half water for 36 hours. Should the purigen become white again? I haven't seen much of a colour change since I put it in there even though I have been stirring it occasionally. Cheers Oscar
  2. oscarlloydjohn

    Safe bleach for bleach dip

    I realise a Potassium Permanganate dip or H2O2 dip would be safer for my Buce but I don't have any on hand and H2O2 is really hard to get in the UK. What kind of bleach do you guys use for bleach dips? I was thinking Tesco or Asda basic value bleach. I saw George Farmer use the Tesco value...