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aquarium stand

  1. M

    Stand for 120*40*40 tank - Will it collapse?

    Hello, I am planning to set up a 120*40*40 tank and looking for a stylish stand. I have found folliwing item at amazon . It looks good and within the budget. However, I have a concern that stand is not robust enough to carry +500kg . Any experience with this brand or product? The brand is called...
  2. D

    Where do we buy the ADA Garden Stand for 90P?

    This stand here, seems like its no where to be found?
  3. dav1dk1ng

    TMC Signature Stand & ADA 60H (60x45x45)

    I'm in the market for a brand new setup - looking for a minimal design tank and cabinet. The tank size I've set my sights on is 600x450x450mm, but having realised that the TMC Signature tanks in this size are with black silicone only, I've now started looking at the ADA Cube Garden 60H. The ADA...
  4. Glenda Steel

    Our very first tank - the Fluval Edge 46 litre!

    I am hesitant in posting these photo's at all as there are so many expert tanks on show here, but I hope you'll forgive the novice blunders (and my terrible photography)! Our tank is as follows: - Tank: Fluval Edge 46 litre (12 Us gallons), no additional lighting but an E series Fluval heater...