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  1. jsiegmund

    Bypass for AM 1000

    I have an AquaMedic 1000 CO2 reactor and am preparing to set up my new filter; a Fluval FX5. The ribbed Fluval hosing isn't that compatible with the AM 1000 I'm afraid, so need some alternative. I found that I should be able to use standard 19/25mm hosing to fit to the FX5 connectors. My...
  2. Iain Sutherland

    NA 120cm - Asian Dreams-IAPLC # 251

    Edit* some specs :geek: Natural Aquario 120 x 45 x 55 superclear glass Natural Aquario Cabinet in matt grey Natural Aquario Light Arm Natural Aquario Stainless Steel inlet and outlets 3 TMC Aquaray 1000nd led tiles on MMS rail and hanging kit TMC Aquaray 8 way controller Eheim 2080 Tetratec...
  3. greenink

    Best and simplest way to inject CO2?

    I've tried lots of in-line approaches... AM1000 reactor: good diffusion, crystal clear water, too noisy, gets dirty and blocks flow UP diffuser: bubbles too annoying if post-filter; crystal clear if pre-filter; but slowly gets blocked with limescale and needs cleaning, so needs constant slow...