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ada amazonia

  1. nduli

    Amazonia in a nano

    This maybe a bit of a daft question so apologies in advance. Is it possible to add too much soil to a tank and it have a stronger than you'd like impact on the water Params?I have a 30*30 nano tank I added about 1-1.5" of Ada Amazonia to the tank and the ph is showing somewhere around 5-5.5...
  2. Lauris

    Dragons Den

    Hellooo all, It has been a while since I have been here. Due to studies and my job and my time, that I can spare with my family, I had no space for this up till now. 18 months of break with 1 failed DSM (due to no time) in between and I'm back on the track again. Still with the same size of a...
  3. steveno

    A Long Start, another Iwagumi story

    Hello All, I have been away from the hobby for a number of years, after a moving house, as it just wasn’t suitable to set up my old tank, so reluctantly had to get rid of my old tank and all own old equipment. Following a recent change in my personal life, I needed to do something that...
  4. Richard Swales

    A Fresh (water) Start!

    Hi Everyone! I am Richard a 23 year old tropical fish keeper from up north (West Yorkshire) and I have kept fish for around 3 years now. I started out with two fancy goldfish and quickly turned my attention to tropical and planted tanks, and I now run a 72 litre planted tank with the hopes of...
  5. DGR

    GlasGarten Mini L "Nemesis"

    Hi all, I want to present you my latest projekt, called "Nemesis". And here a few facts: Hardware: GlasGartenMini L 45 x 24 x 30 cm float glas Gross~30L, net - still don't know Daytime eco 40.3 Eheim 2213 ADA Lily Pipe Spin P Outflow Do!aqua Violet Glass Inflow UP Aqua Inline Atomizer + 500gr...
  6. Rob Dahl

    New Cube

    Couldn't wait and have started my new Fluval 30cm. cube tank. Had a terrible time trying to plant in ADA Amazonia substrate, but with handy tips from fellow members, have made some progress. HOB filter flow made a crater in the substrate, so I made a small sponge "dam" on the filter raceway...
  7. Lauris

    Colisia Vallem (90L)

    Hoi! New project on the way. Will start just with a bit of tech Tank: Optiwhite 6mm, clear seal, (LxHxW) 60x40x40cm, approx90L Light: 2xT5 28w with 1xLED Beamswork 1k Lumens (DIY hang-over) Filter: JBL e1501 Heater: Hydor external, 200w, 16mm Bits: all gass (lily pipes, diffusers) CO2...
  8. callmephathead

    New year, new tank - Dry start small signature 45x45x30

    Hi, I woke up this morning with a little bit of a problem: a) I am finally able to take some time off work now that Xmas and new year are over, but sadly not enough to travel away from home. b) I have decided to stay away from new year's resolutions and therefore I have no wish to hit the...
  9. Brian Murphy

    Redmoor DSM Jungle

    So I started this tank back on the 9th June (can't believe it's been that long) and have had some set backs with some plants not doing so well due to soil burn (I presume) and have changed things around a little. Basically this was an experiment to see what I could grow DSM and I tbh I wasn't...
  10. gary smith

    my new 50 cm cube 2 days old

  11. viktorlantos

    Dragon minimal 90P

    Cheers guys. Not had a journal for a long time, but i hope this isn't a problem if i will post one or 2 around these days. Maybe helpful for some as i also got a lot of inspiration here too. This tank was rescaped a few days ago. 90P opti white 90x45x45 Filter: Eheim 2075, Eheim Skim 350...
  12. justin85

    Justin's ADA 60p - NEW FTS (page4)

    WELCOME Tank: ADA Cube Garden 60-P: 60 x 30 x 36cm Cabinet: Custom made ADA Style cabinet (white) Lighting: Custom made LEDs 30w, Custom made reflector, Customised light stand + suspension kit Filteration: Eheim Professional 2 2026 external filter • Filtration Media: ceramic rings...