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Search results

  1. Fox

    Heat/warmth for an emersed moss set-up?

    I've been tinkering with a small moss project for a few months. Growing Moss Emersed 6 Months In | UK Aquatic Plant Society I'm seeing increased growth recently after months in the cold on a windowsill in an unheated/neglected building. Before it 'warmed up' I placed a few mosses that had...
  2. Fox

    Growing Moss Emersed 6 Months In

    A new job has resulted in me scaling back my fish-keeping to almost non-existent levels, but about 6 months ago I started trying to grow different mosses emersed. Plastic plant trays with lids, sitting on a windowsill, just plain old tap water added (never more than a centimetre on the bottom)...