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  1. skinz180189

    Noisy Tetratec EX1200 doing my head in

    For the past few weeks now, I've been running a brand spanking TetraTec EX1200 I've had in the loft for over a year. The water's lovely & clear, but blahblahblahblah me is the filter noisy. I can shake it as much as I like but it doesn't get quieter. I've put a towel on the floor and wrapped a towel around...
  2. skinz180189

    Rekord 120 built in filter

    Just a quick one, how good is the internal filter that comes as standard in the Juwel Rekord 120? Can't find much information about it.
  3. skinz180189

    Options? External Filter 100-150L tanks

    I'm looking for a 100-150 litre tank, and want to get some ideas for filtration whilst on the look out for a tank. This time I want to go external filter, it needs to be quiet as it's in my bedroom, and reasonably cheap. I'd like to spend no more than £50/60 if possible (don't mind second hand...
  4. skinz180189

    Internal Filters around £20 - Recommendations

    Anybody recommend a decent internal filter suitable for a 60L tank, which I hope will become quite well stocked with plants in the future. A few people have told me to ditch the elite 100 stingray filter I have. External is not an option, I don't want even more clutter on the floor.