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  1. G

    Biological filtration - one for Darrel, Clive and co.

    http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Ad ... ne.0023281 A bit over my head but the gist is that a lot of filters don't actually contain bacteria! If someone cleverer than me could put the article into laymans terms, that would be great. :) Another interesting article -...
  2. G

    "Stumpy" 17mm glassware inlet?

    Hi all, I'm after a new 17mm glassware inlet for a future shallow set-up that's 30cm tall. Most 17mm glassware inlets I've seen are around 30cm in length, which is too long. This would mean the inlet end would have to be inserted into the substrate! Has anyone seen any 17mm glassware inlets...
  3. G

    Connecting Fluval FX5 to 17mm lily pipes?

    Does anyone have any experience, or have any info about connecting an FX5 to 17mm lily pipes? The FX5 comes supplied with 25mm anti-kink ribbed hosing go I guess I'd be looking at some sort of adaptor. To be honest I've not even opened the box so am not sure if I can replace the hose entirely...
  4. G

    Super flow!

    I've just upgraded the filter in my Aqua Essentials 60cm opti-white - again. It's a Superfish Pro 4 external with max. rated flow of 1550lph. It just about squeezed in the cabinet alongside my 6-way extension lead and 2Kg FE CO2 system. Outflow is through an Aquatic Magic glass lily pipe and...
  5. G

    Filtration for 5x2x2' discus

    I'm setting up a 5x2x2' planted tank for discus. Bio-load not too high - 6 x 6" blue diamond, 40 or so rummynose and some Corydorus. I'm trying to decide on filtration. First decision is do I have one big filter i.e. Fluval FX5, Eheim 2080 Pro 3 or Eheim Classic 2260. Or two smaller...