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Search results

  1. plantnoob

    co2 in a low light tank

    im considering having another try with co2 , not 100% decided . its mainly going to be decided be wether or not i can find a cheap local supplier / refiller of bottles . ive also got a lot of questions that will affect the decision. 1) what sort of benefits could i expect if implemented...
  2. plantnoob

    why am i using so much?

    over the last couple of weeks ive been increasing my co2 until i got it to the point where i was winning the hair algae / plant melt battle. it looks like ive got there now , as algae is all but gone and plants are doing much better . part of me is thinking just be happy that algae is beaten ...
  3. plantnoob

    thoughts on this idea for a co2 system?

    need to optimize flow / distribution in my 125L tank . i was thinking along the lines of 1000 lph powerhead connected via filter hose or similar to a co2 reactor , back up into the tank and out via a full length spraybar
  4. plantnoob

    making changes to co2

    been having a few minor problems , which i am pretty sure are co2 related , so i have made a few changes to my setup. obviously im not going to see any immediate difference . how long on average should it be before i see if ive cured the problem ( or even made things worse ) ?
  5. plantnoob

    random co2 mist question

    do you find co2 mist bothers the fish ? my tank looks like its full of 7up when i inject gas !
  6. plantnoob

    really need help now . getting frustrated

    i just cant get my drop checkers green enough , no matter what i do . theres no way i can get my plantys until i can get enough effin co2 in the water :banghead: . this is after 2 and a quarter hours , still too blue to my eyes . 557965_10201030984959529_213461569_n by mark pettican, on...
  7. plantnoob

    is this the colour im aiming for ?

    i know they should be in the tank lol but i havent put any light on the tank yet , i figure no plants = no rush for light bulbs :) . these were literally a few seconds out of the tank and photographed on my phone . green enough? drop checkers by mark pettican, on Flickr
  8. plantnoob

    regulator pressures ok?

    having never used 1 before id just like to see if the pressures im getting from my tmc v2 reg seem about normal . im getting 50 kg/cm2 ( 711psi using a converter app) cylinder pressure from the FE and working reg pressure of around 3.5 bar ( just over that ) . sound about right ?
  9. plantnoob

    whats this screw on the side of my reg?

    im about to fit my regulator ( tmc v2 pressure regulator pro) onto my fire extinguisher . i have just noticed that on the side of the reg is a little allen key screw . is thaty for adjusting the working pressure of the reg ? i cant find anything about it in the instructions . the part it labels...
  10. plantnoob

    calling experienced injectors

    having bought an in tank atomiser i have now come to decide i would rather have a system that doesnt fill my tank with loads of bubbles ( well as few as possible anyway) , great isnt it hindsight :) . so i am now thinking about either the up inline atomiser or the co2 supermarket mixer reactor...
  11. plantnoob

    is it that simple?

    got all the bits for my co2 setup bar the fire extinguisher now , which il be ordering friday . is it a safe assumption that if i can get it so that whilst fiddling with flow, wherever i place my drop checkers in the tank i get the desired green colour , that ive got good even distibution of co2...
  12. plantnoob

    whats your prefered diffusion method?

    ordered a co2 regulator today , along with an eheim 2213 to replace the internal i originally bought ( what was i thinking i know ! ) looking at fire extinguisher on ebay as well . now ive got an external on the way it opens up more options to me i figure . from having a bit of a search on here...