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  1. Z

    Blyxa japonica in a low tech tank?

    I have a juwel vision 180 with the stock multilux LEDs on for 6hrs/day. Use dry salts as ferts, but lower dose than EI, based on getting good growth but no algae! Planted heavily with loads of easy stems, crypts and epiphytes. There is a space towards the front that is crying out for a plant...
  2. Z

    Something easy, fast growing and bushy - hygrophilia?

    I had an algae issue with my tank (juwel lido with internal filter removed and replaced with tetratec ex1200) put it down to too much light (not used to these t5s - previously had 600litres of low tech with a couple of t8s. Had no idea that downsizing would be more difficult!), not enough ferts...
  3. Z

    What stems?

    After finally accepting that it is my choice of hardscape that has meant my tank looks pretty poor, I have found something else and have a great scape in my head to recreate (probably won't come out as well, but I can hope!). I currently have crypts (brown adn green), vallis, swords, anubias...