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Search results

  1. R


    can i grow a glosso carpet with 1.7 wpg of T5 lighting & reflectors
  2. R

    poor quality java ferns

    hi all, picked up my new tank last week a Rio 240, & i had already ordered some java ferns from a mail order site (wont say which one) hoping they would have been here & ready for when i got my tank but they only arrived this morning & in not to good a condition either, about half the leaves...
  3. R


    hi guys, bought some cyperus helferi today, should i plant just the roots & leave the crown above the subtsrate as with vallis?
  4. R

    im meltinggggggggggggg

    hi guys, having a problem at the moment with my crypts going into melt down, i had them in an 84lt tank until a week ago then had to do a strip down thanks to my daughter adding god knows what to the tank but ive found the camera mounting plate for my tripod, crayons & loads of other stuff in...