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  • Most of the remaining team are off on holiday meaning the forum does not have sufficient cover. As such the site will be placed in maintenance mode where it can be viewed but no posts/threads can be made and will remain this way until August 11th, apologies for the inconvience.

Search results

  1. Mrmikey


    Well for those of you who have never heard of this its a Danish 20 part subtitle murder detective program. It was on bbc 4, Iplayer but the first few have vanished so I havent meet that many people who have watched it. Now i dont watch much tv nor do I really recommend anything to anyone...
  2. Mrmikey

    Joke of the day

    Thought i'd start a thread so we can post some jokes. I'll start with a shocker :) I'm just getting in to snail racing. I bought a special snail but it wasn't fast enough, so I removed the shell to save weight. If anything it just made it more sluggish. Told you it was good!