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Search results

  1. angelfishguy

    Im a little confused, any help would be great

    Hi, I have a 315ltr aqualantis aquarium pressurized co2 with UP atomiser lighting 4 x36w T8 lights on for 6 hrs a day dosing ei flow x20 turnover aquabasis plus topped with inert gravel 50% waterchange x1 a week plants mainly java ferns and anubias also some hygro, s. repens, montecarlo the...
  2. angelfishguy

    A few questions

    Hey all, I recently started a planted tank again because i missed all the tinkering about thats involved with them.i havent done a scape as such, more so i just put some wood and stones in and some crypts i had from another tank. I dont plan on a proper scape quite yet, i just want to see what...
  3. angelfishguy

    New 230g tank help

    Hi all, hope you'll be able to help me set this up, its a second hand 96x24x28(1057ltr or 230g) which we will be picking up on sunday and i have a few questions and for any new questions about this tank i'll ask here :) the tank was used for marine and comes with a sump,should i just scrap the...
  4. angelfishguy

    bigger tanks...harder?

    we have just planted a 412ltr and was wondering do i know what im getting myself into.. are larger tanks harder to get good scapes going? what are your experiences?