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Search results

  1. Mr P

    tropica aqua soil

    Hi all ,has anybody using or used tropica aquarium soil.any feed back would be great.roy.
  2. Mr P

    what substrate

    hi everyone, what substrate have you found the best for keeping the plants anchored down.i am using a mix of columbo florabase and akadama.the plants mostly grasses keep lifting out of it and it is driving me mad. I want a smaller grain size substrate with a bit of weight to it. I also have...
  3. Mr P

    keeping substrate clean

    i have had algae problems in my tank and someone said that excess waste could cause problems,i wondered how you keep the substrate clean with a well planted tank.i have a syphon for cleaning tanks but this seems to cause more damage than its worth.how do you clean yours? skankypup.