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Search results

  1. Z

    Dirty purple shrimp!

    After the shrimp disaster that was smoking filter and lots of dead shrimp, I bought lots of shrimp/fish/plants from a man who was getting rid of his tank. He had a massive colony of crystal blue shrimp and cherry shrimp (fire red or super red variety or whatever tyhey call the soid bright red...
  2. Z

    Berried RCS

    Quick question - I have a few berried RCS; how long will it take before I have shrimplets and how tiny will they be? Also, one of the shrimp's eggs are bright green whereas the others have creamy coloured eggs - is this normal?
  3. Z

    best filter for shrimp tank?

    My little internal in my arcadia arc keeps dying, so going to need a new one. I want to spend as little as possible and need something that is suitable for shrimp. any ideas? What filters do you all use for your shrimp tanks?