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Search results

  1. F

    Manzanita wood aquascape- your views?

    well, that will decrease the costs lol Im never sure about the amount of plantlets that you get, so thankyou for clearing that up. Anyone got any views about taking out the sand and adding black gravel? or keep some sand and top up the black gravel?
  2. F

    Manzanita wood aquascape- your views?

    I'm thinking of getting these plants for it. But how many crypts to cover the area I would like? 5? Cryptocoryne willisii- x5? Anubias barteri var. barteri- x2? Amazon Sword-x 1 Taiwan Moss- x1
  3. F

    Manzanita wood aquascape- your views?

    sorry, i forgot specs Juwel rio 125 The standard high lite technology by Juwel with 2x28 watt tubes. One daylight and one Nature Substrate is tetra plant pro (though its just over a year old) Dosing is tpn+ 0.5ml per day (plants dont look too good as ive been away for 2 weeks) Im going to be...
  4. F

    Manzanita wood aquascape- your views?

    Hi all Now im back from my holiday I decided to put some of the manzanita wood I bought of here into my tank. The small rocks you can see came from my holiday in France from the mountains (they were tested and didnt fizz). I think that its gone quite well and my family and I all like the...
  5. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Yeh, only my biggest bit is still floating everything else has fully sunk. I jsut need to clean them up with the hosepipe, and take of some of the moss and its ready to use after I come home from holiday :D
  6. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Mine arrived at 11.05 am, silly parcelforce made me miss Struass get out xD Thanks to everyone involved again! iTs not soaking in my water butt hehe
  7. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Mark Evans -£15.00 Andrew Millard (Milla) - £30.00 David Atkins (Fishkeeper)- £26.00
  8. F

    Which rocks for Manzanita driftwood?

    looks quite nice approximately, how many kilo's would you need to buy to get good shapes? I've got limited money.
  9. F

    Which rocks for Manzanita driftwood?

    Which rocks do you think would suit an aquascape that just includes manzanita driftwood? The wood will be the main focal point I think, but I would like something to compliment it (and to hold it down and everything) any ideas? cheers
  10. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Sorry man, but I have a;ready reserved m005 on the previous page.
  11. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    I'm so sorry Stu. Please excuse me, I was just seeing which pictures had 'claimed' written on them. Updated list: M005- 1/4kg m013- 1kg m017- 1/4 kg m022- 1/2kg l009- 1/2kg s003- 1/4kg s008- 1/4kg All posted please Tonser. Again, sorry Stu :)
  12. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Hi, after looking would I be able to have: m013- 1kg m017- 1/4 kg m023- 1/4 kg m022- 1/2kg l009- 1/2kg s003- 1/4kg s008- 1/4kg That's 3kgs overall. So, with postage that works out to be £27.90 (£28)? thanks again, and you have a nice website :D Did you take all of the pictures yourself...
  13. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Hopefully there is still some for the rest of us :lol:
  14. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    yey it begins Unfortunately I'm out tonight :shock: :cry:
  15. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    I hope there will be some pics of this new tank :P Yeh, thanks for this, its much appreciated by the forum members :)
  16. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    I better be online at 10am aswell I second the people on the lsit should get first pick, as I'm on there :P :lol:
  17. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Hi I'll have to have it posted aswell :D Thanks for everyone involved in this :D
  18. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    I also second that. Thanks for taking you time to go and search for wood to help benefit us all
  19. F

    Manzanita wood - now in the UK

    Hi Im still after some aswell. As said, I don't relaly know how many pieces. Just a variety, but maybe about 2-3kgs :D cheers
  20. F

    Group shipping buy for Manzanita driftwood from Tom Barr

    Hi As I'm only 16 I cant drive or anything and my parents wouldn't drive me around to collect wood off people. Would it be possible to send me some wood separately to my house? Id be looking for wood of about 30-60cm long of all different shapes (amounts of branches, cool designs etc) Would...
  21. F

    Aquascape help please

    Has anyone got ideas about the rock? I was thinking, maybe mini landscape rock? or is there a better rock suited to my needs on AE? I can't go with mountain rock as the minimum is 10kg and I havent got too much cash as I fund all my tanks of my paper round :lol:
  22. F

    Aquascape help please

    Hi all. In the next few months, Im going to redoing my tank and making a complete new aquascape. This is going to contain rocks and wood. I honestly have no idea what to use though. Ive linked an image of one tank I love on here, and i would like to try and recreate this tank in a rio 125l...
  23. F

    Rate my aquascape

    well ive slightly changed the aquascape, and added some greenery from excess plants in my 125l jungle. enjoy, please comment. I suppose a joournal is needed soon :D thanks Will
  24. F

    Rate my aquascape

    Hi This tank isnt my first, but it will be my first with a planned aquascape and selection of plants if you know what i mean. The co2 is a nutrafin fermentation set with easy carbo being added accordingly to back it up. Ive also got an 18 watt pl lamp for the lighting. Im sorry, but what is...
  25. F

    Rate my aquascape

    This is my first aquascape in this tan so please can people give me some advice on if its good, how to improve etc Im also stuck for plant ideas. Im going to egt my plants of AE (are the tropica good quality there?), im looking for some crypts, riccia and something else. Can anyone reccomend...