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  1. BigTom

    Unidentified black and clear unwanted visitor - any ideas?

    I think much better photos would help a lot here buddy, given that they don't seem to be easily recognisable. Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
  2. BigTom

    What microbes do when you change the water in an aquarium

    I appear to have access to this. Haven't read it but if anyone wants a copy pm me and I'll send it across tomorrow. Sent from my Lenovo K50-t5 using Tapatalk
  3. BigTom

    Hygro pinatifidia

    What Mick said.
  4. BigTom

    Are Otos more sensitive to Co2 than other fish?

    My observations agree pretty closely with Darrel's - I have 12 otos in a 600l tank which is stuffed full of wood and leaf litter to graze on. I don't specifically feed anything else for the otos but they are outrageously fat from biofilm grazing and I see very little activity from them during...
  5. BigTom

    Talking with Diana walstad

    Gradually if possible, but if you have enough plants and a well oxygenated filter you can get away with it... I dumped 50 odd fish into my tank in one go, but it is over 500l with enormous riparian plants, so a bit of a special case. As ever just stock at a rate that is sensible for your...
  6. BigTom

    Talking with Diana walstad

    As you probably guess I'm totally with Troi and Darrel on this one. Plants all the way. I think the other thing that people really don't consider with ammonia cycling is that although you may end up with a microbial system able to deal with a relatively large amount of ammonia, that system is...
  7. BigTom

    Coldwater Plant Options.

    Oh yeah, I somehow glazed over the goldfish part! As Sarpijk said, probably best to stick to java fern and anubias. Maybe bolbitis. You could always test a few other plants and see how they get treated.
  8. BigTom

    Coldwater Plant Options.

    At 22 degrees pretty much any 'tropical' plants should be fine.
  9. BigTom

    Advice needed on fertiliser dosing please

    I suspect that the need for brackish water for BBGs is overstated, or at least variable between species. Several species are even found in soft-as-you-like blackwater habitats. I kept mine (which I think were probably doriae) as low as pH5.5 for a long time and they 'seemed' fine - they were...
  10. BigTom

    Why are ADA Products so expensive?

    Being called Tom helps also.
  11. BigTom

    Oak Leaves

    Long lasting leaves will provide tannins, a surface for biofilm growth (which shrimp/fry graze on) and cover for your fish/shrimp. Rapidly decaying leaves will also do this of course, but will add organic matter and detritus at a faster rate which is generally not desirable.
  12. BigTom

    Oak Leaves

    Yeah go for fully dead, dry, brown leaves. If you find a good spot with a reasonable depth of leaf litter then you can normally find collectable leaves right through to the early spring. They'll store for years if you dry them out thoroughly so worth collecting a few bag-fulls.
  13. BigTom

    Oak Leaves

    I'd say they break down and release tannins at a roughly comparable rate to Indian almond leaves. If you can find some beech leaves they last considerably longer.
  14. BigTom

    Oak Leaves

    Most people prefer to give them a good rinse before adding to the tank, although I have to admit I just bung mine in if I'm reasonably confident they've not come from anywhere too polluted. As for storage, get them nice and dry so they won't rot then they're fine just to sit in a bin bag or...
  15. BigTom

    Quarantine tank with an expensive dead fish. :(

    I would leave off all the additives in future - if the filter media has been transferred from a mature filter then it should have sufficient bacterial load to cope with a couple of small fish. Adding QuickStart, Liquid Filter, Voogel and whatever else is just going to introduce instability and...
  16. BigTom

    Papua New Guinea Plants

    Heh I was about to post that link Ed. Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
  17. BigTom

    Aquarium suggestions please?

    I generally seem to end up with custom built tanks so am not really in a position to recommend one particular tank or another, but I truly wouldn't be worried about smells or evaporation. I used to have 4 tanks totalling 12 square feet in an average sized bedroom and neither were ever an issue -...
  18. BigTom

    bad boy tank

  19. BigTom

    New "shallow" high tech planted setup

    I don't really know anything about high tech, but you're only getting an inch of substrate for your £71.59. You might want some more.
  20. BigTom

    Best value for money fish food

    Best value for money at the moment is just leaving the window open, I'm getting a constant supply of fresh mosquito larvae laid straight into the tank.
  21. BigTom

    the old days

    Not all of us feel the need for all the high tech gubbins. Plenty of ace low tech stuff going on still :) Sent from my LT30p using Tapatalk
  22. BigTom

    A Love Story between a Ramirezi and a ADA/Do!Aqua Diffuser...

    I think from the video those are just co2 bubbles, to be fair. Could be wrong.
  23. BigTom

    Peace lilly pollen poisonous to fish?

    I lost all my imageshack images as well, but as long as they were from an account (rather than really old ones where you could upload without an account), then you should be able to get them back by nagging their customer services guys - they fixed mine after a few days when I asked. Not sure if...
  24. BigTom

    Magnetic plant hangers?

    Very nice, I miss my big emergent Echinodorus. No idea about magnetic hangers but Darrel's suggestion is a good one, or you can get shower caddies with suction pads on them, although they can be a bit prone to slipping down the glass if they have a lot of weight in them. I just used hydroton...
  25. BigTom

    The Green Machine- a bit disappointed.

    That top ADC tank is lovely.
  26. BigTom

    Easy foreground carpet plant

    Yeah MC will grow in anything. L. brasiliensis is also slow but steady in pretty much any conditions. I like a mixed carpet approach - mix 3 or 4 different species (eg MC, L. brasiliensis, hairgrass and whatever that stuff I got from Alastair is called), then stuff will fill in at different...
  27. BigTom

    70x70x30cm shallow square tank guidance (44 gallons approx)

    People who know more about this than I say that plants are pretty adaptable and that spectrum really isn't important. So you could try a 20k bulb I guess, although I'm not sure how well the previous advice applies as you start getting into the more extreme ends of the spectrum. Plus it'll look...
  28. BigTom

    70x70x30cm shallow square tank guidance (44 gallons approx)

    A 20k bulb is going to be very blue. Unless you particularly want that look then something in the 5-7.5k range will look more like daylight.
  29. BigTom

    70x70x30cm shallow square tank guidance (44 gallons approx)

    This is the sort of thing I was using for the first couple of years - http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JCC-TRACK-PRO-SPOT-70W-FLOODLIGHT-SILVER-RX7S-240V-/251526844068?pt=UK_BOI_Lights_Lighting_ET&hash=item3a902b0ea4 Dirt cheap but very ugly. Take standard rx7s bulbs which are available in lots of...
  30. BigTom

    70x70x30cm shallow square tank guidance (44 gallons approx)

    I would definitely go for suspended light if possible for this sort of setup. In the UK there are very often cheap second hand halides on ebay that are used for shop lighting. A 70w halide suspended 1.5-2 feet above the tank would be plenty of light. The are also cheap LED flood lights that...
  31. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    Yeah oak are pretty long lasting (and nice looking). Beech should last 2-3 times longer still.
  32. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    I reckon you'll be fine. They'll probably have a whole ecosystem of bugs on then at this time of year so probably worth a rinse, dry and rakeover before storing them to minimise household microfauna.
  33. BigTom

    Scissor suggestions

    Wave scissors are just about the only 'posh' bit of aquascaping paraphernalia that I have, they are pretty handy.
  34. BigTom

    Hanging light bracket help

    Colorail can be quite good for this sort of thing - the chrome fittings don't look bad and are pretty easy to construct a frame from. Then you just need to fix them to your cabinet and hang the lights. Just don't pay B&Q prices!
  35. BigTom


    Disappointing. You can quite clearly see furniture in the picture - if you'd chucked all that out you could have had something much bigger.
  36. BigTom

    Springtail Eruption! (collembola)

    Aww, you got globular ones. They're the cutest.
  37. BigTom


    Yes! I've always wanted my own granny annex.
  38. BigTom


    I'm just going to move in with Al I think.
  39. BigTom


    I assume you've been browsing dendoboard? Some ace stuff on there. www.dendroboard.com/forum/parts-construction/83431-island-paludarium-360-z-185-gal-40-x-40-x-28-a-18.html
  40. BigTom

    Where's the best place to buy plants near Plymouth?

    I don't know whats available near Plymouth, sorry, but Aquajardin Gloucester is right on the M5 - Google Maps
  41. BigTom

    Cycling new tank

    That should be fine.
  42. BigTom

    Cycling new tank

    When you say cycle, are you adding additional ammonia? If so then don't bother. JI will leach some ammonia for a few weeks, but if you've got old filter media in there and happily growing plants then it may not be noticeable. I would just let the tank run for a few weeks until the plants look...
  43. BigTom

    Citric Acid - Source of Carbon for plants[?]

    Fair enough Phil. Didn't mean to jump down your throat, but it's hugely irritating when companies make all sorts of claims about their products and never provide a shred of evidence to back them up.
  44. BigTom

    Citric Acid - Source of Carbon for plants[?]

    Right I think I must be missing something because I don't really understand how your post provides any evidence for FlorinAxis being beneficial - at low concentrations it didn't kill the plants, at high concentrations it did kill (or visibly damage) the plants. You've not demonstrated that it...
  45. BigTom

    Citric Acid - Source of Carbon for plants[?]

    And what happened in the control tank?
  46. BigTom

    Your personal aquascaping/aquarium highlights from 2013

    Well if we're nominating other people, then Alastair managing to breed both licorice and chocolate gourami in a community display tank is going to take some beating I think. Defintely highlight of the year for me (I measure these things by how much jealousy they inspire in me :-P).
  47. BigTom

    Your personal aquascaping/aquarium highlights from 2013

    These little guys I think (rosy loach fry). Now fully grown -
  48. BigTom

    A Few Problems I would like to sort.

    Wow apistogramma.com need to get some admin online. Spam city.
  49. BigTom

    Please help first time dirting...

    I'm pretty sure it will leach ammonia, yes. Westlands do a pond soil which is supposedly mineralised to reduce ammonia leaching but it's another one that contains limestone etc. JI already contains quite a lot of peat, I can't see adding more having a measurable effect against the amount of...
  50. BigTom

    Please help first time dirting...

    Sorry Mark, don't know (I used it mixed with another pond soil). Alastair seems to have it answered though.
  51. BigTom

    Please help first time dirting...

    Yup that's the one I was referring to. A few of us have used it with success.
  52. BigTom

    Please help first time dirting...

    John Innes 1-3 will raise hardness and ph but won't 'kill everything'. I've used it before and there are plenty of fish species that will do well in those sorts of parameters, and most plant species will be just fine as well. If you're not keeping obligate soft water fish then JI 1 would be fine...
  53. BigTom

    Please help first time dirting...

    I tested an ericaceous compost and ended up with acidic water but still a very high TDS. Have a look on eBay/Amazon for 'Original Aqua Soil'. It comes in blue bags and should have a fairly minimal impact on your water stats.
  54. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    Sorry to hear that Dan, sounds like you've got some problems that are unlikely to be fixed with a few leaves. Maybe a new thread for some advice? In the meantime, a little leaf lovin' -
  55. BigTom

    Hydra found in tank

    Flubendazole is extremely effective against hydra - Hydra removal | UK Aquatic Plant Society
  56. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    OK, so for reference after two and a half weeks the sycamore is probably 80% skeletalised, the sweet chestnut about 50%, the oak about 5% and the beech still looks exactly the same as when I added it.
  57. BigTom

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Brilliant, thanks Mark.
  58. BigTom

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    That would be great. I imagine Pier and Rare are the most likely, other than individual importers.
  59. BigTom

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Really? Any idea who brings them in?
  60. BigTom

    Natural environment / Biotopes

    Yeah that first video is brilliant, I've watched it a couple of times. The Ammocryptocharax at 36:13 is awesome, but completely unobtainable.
  61. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    Yeah I collected mine after waiting ages for two consecutive dry days and they've not taken much drying out. Tricky in Scotland though! No rush though, there'll be beech leaves available at least in good condition a long way into winter.
  62. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    Right, one of each is going in the tank now, I'll report back in a week :p Beech can last for months in my tanks though, can't imagine sycamore taking longer to break down.
  63. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    I've not used sycamor myself before, I think they'll probably break down a bit quickly and I read on The Krib that maple leaves tend to retain more nutrients that beech or oak, but I can't see either being an issue unless you're using it in large quantities.
  64. BigTom

    Go get some leaves!

    Went for my annual leaf collecting walk this afternoon and got a nice mix of beech, oak, sweet chestnut and sycamore which should see me through 'til next autumn. Beats paying to have Indian almond leaves flown halfway around the world! Great for shrimp and breeding fish, and can add a nice...
  65. BigTom

    Tropica Plants

    Don't know if there's a Dobbies in Cornwall these days? They and P@H tend to be cheapest but the plants deteriorate quickly. You could ask when they get their deliveries and go in the day after. Birstall do good rates for packs of 5 online, or if you're mixing and matching then the standard...
  66. BigTom

    What's your favoured substrate ? And why !

    Giant ginger flesh-eating Viking field mice. No word of a lie.
  67. BigTom

    What's your favoured substrate ? And why !

    Interesting fact for today; there is a 'Celtic Fringe' in the UK in small mammal populations as well as humans - The Celtic fringe of Britain: insights from small mammal phylogeography
  68. BigTom

    What's your favoured substrate ? And why !

    Hah. I'm from Cornwall actually, but they're pretty stingy down there too.
  69. BigTom

    What's your favoured substrate ? And why !

    Soil, because it's cheap!
  70. BigTom

    Condensation from tanks?

    Got to love living in a drafty old Georgian tenement - no such issues here :p
  71. BigTom

    Discussion on substrate and fertilization

    Actually, I was a bit off topic and overly critical with that post, sorry. I just wasn't sure what the aim of linking that thread was before you edited your post with the info about ADA substrates and it makes more sense now.
  72. BigTom

    Discussion on substrate and fertilization

    Not at all, I frequently sing the praises of the 1%. It was just a personal musing that I fail to see the enjoyment in that kind of dissection.
  73. BigTom

    Discussion on substrate and fertilization

    I find Aquasoil an absolute pain in the backside to plant in compared to sand. And that thread is absolutely terrifying, but then I have absolutely zero interest in the underlying chemistry of my tanks. I just want them to look good, be filled with healthy plants and fish and be really easy to...
  74. BigTom

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    With all due respect to Wet, the original post does come across as a bit of a rant, and it's taken us until page 2 to figure out what the thread is actually supposed to be about (I think, I'm still not entirely sure!). A less antagonistic and more focused post might have been preferable....
  75. BigTom

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    Yeah that's a fair enough peave and something you see all over the net. I think we're very lucky here to have people like Tom, Clive and Darrel who can discuss such questions with reasonable rigour, but at the end of the day they are only three people with infinitely better things to do with...
  76. BigTom

    Protip: If you're not Plantbrain, stop posting like you are

    Hi Wet. If you feel anyone in particular has overstepped a mark, then I'm sure a quiet message to George or Paulo would lead to them addressing the issue responsibly if they agreed that it was out of order. All in all I reckon this is one of the politest and friendliest forums around, but I...
  77. BigTom

    Discussion on substrate and fertilization

    There's no doubt that ADA and other Gucci soils are excellent substrates - nice to work with, easy to reuse, nutritious with a high CEC - but there are plenty of people also getting excellent results for a fraction of the cost with cat litter, garden soil and plain old inert sand /gravel, which...
  78. BigTom

    Discussion on substrate and fertilization

    Aesthetics, ease of working with, probably some benefits to plants, and to make money for the companies that make them (who will also tell you that you need jiggawatts of light, secret fert recipes in posh bottles and a thousand different chemicals).
  79. BigTom

    I hate duckweed. Please, any suggestions...?

    Manual removal is key really. Take out everything floating, plus the filter, rinse everything clean of duckweed, then scoop out all the rest of it from the tank. Even old dead looking bits stuck above the water line. You have to be meticulous. Then check at least twice daily for any bits that...
  80. BigTom

    Long but narrow and shallow?

    Nice setup. I'd definitely go for a river style linear flow setup of some sort, with both filter intakes at one end and the outlets at the other (or with outlets spaced out as required to give even flow). Should be able to arrange them such that they're not intrusive. This is quite a good...
  81. BigTom

    What waste do plants produce?

    The only time I ever had visible BBA (in one of the nanos) was when I was away for 2 months and the surface plants grew really thick and blocked light/stripped nutrients/stifled gas exchange sufficiently for 90% of the plant biomass beneath them to melt. Came home to really luxuriant frogbit...
  82. BigTom

    new member new tank first time planted help please!

    Ah, I assumed when you mentioned bulbs that you also had something to plug them in to! I wouldn't be too worried about not having tonnes of flow, it isn't crucial for low tech.
  83. BigTom

    new member new tank first time planted help please!

    Sounds like you already have everything you need for low tech. Stick some plants in and turn it all on :) Actually, a second bag of eco complete (or any other substrate) wouldn't go amiss - you won't even get an inch deep with 20lbs which can make planting tricky.
  84. BigTom


    Cheap glass cutter off ebay for a couple of quid, score somewhere around where the thing is stuck. Then repeatedly alternate pouring boiling then cold water on the score, it'll eventually produce a nice clean crack that will be easy to glue back together once you've got the bristles out :) See...
  85. BigTom

    Amano - no heaters?

    I'm sure as soon as ADA release a £200 inline heater we'll hear all about how important it is :p
  86. BigTom

    White mould/film on driftwood?

    Shrimp and I think otos will also devour it eagerly.
  87. BigTom

    Twinstar..what is it?

    That photo had me in stitches!
  88. BigTom

    Twinstar..what is it?

    It's still there, but starting to slowly shrink thanks to international bans on CFCs. Ozone Hole Shrinks to Record Low | LiveScience Or as I'm sure you know really, it was mainly just a smaller and somewhat simplistic moniker for climate change. Which is undoubtedly used as a politic tool...
  89. BigTom

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Heh, still not a single word about what it is or how its supposed to work.
  90. BigTom

    Twinstar..what is it?

    Whatever it is, I'm 100% sure I don't need one :lol:
  91. BigTom

    Red Ramshorn Snails

    I've got them in all my tanks and can't say I've ever noticed them eating plants. I don't keep many stems though, and have a lot of mulm and general detritus which I think keeps them occupied.
  92. BigTom

    PROJECT : Congo planted tank

    Sounds like a brilliant project. I'm a big fan of collecting your own hardscape materials, if I was still living in the tropics I'd definitely be looking at doing something similar to you. Can you collect your own livestock as well?
  93. BigTom

    Refuguim on a water butt ? Advice/help

    Guess you mean Spirodela polyrhiza ('Giant duckweed')?. Not sure if that's readily available over here in the trade, although I believe it is native. NBN Interactive Map
  94. BigTom

    Should I fishless cycle a new planted tank?

    The problem is that people don't always want to listen or invest the time reading. Or are too attached to the half-correct 'lore' that gets bandied around. Or as you can see in this thread, there are various approaches that all technically work, even if they're nonsensical in the context of a...
  95. BigTom

    water quality prior to going into aquarium

    I have to disagree a little with this, although admittedly on not much more than a philosophical level. My advice would be; Given the multitude of stresses and potential causes of demise most aquarium fish face, I always think that the least I can do is provide them with water that...
  96. BigTom

    british wood

    Well I've had no problems using two of the ones in the 'definite no' list. You really need first hand evidence one way or the other, otherwise the same 'lore' just goes round and round in circles forever.
  97. BigTom

    british wood

    Well found. One other report of using rosemary fine here - The Planted Tank Forum - View Single Post - Diff. kinds of bog wood
  98. BigTom

    british wood

    I can't find anything directly linked to using rosemary in the aquarium - my google-fu must be weak! Unless you mean you found that some of the biologically active components (eucalyptols, camphor etc) can be toxic? Very difficult (well, I find it very difficult, my plant biology is terrible) to...
  99. BigTom

    british wood

    Have you got a source for that? Not being funny, just I've used several woods in the past that 'apparently' are toxic with no ill effects. I know rosemary has quite a lot of biologically active compounds in it, but I still suspect that if it's well dead and dry you shouldn't have much of an issue.