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Search results

  1. spider72

    How to raise nitrates in the tank

    You will find manufacturer recommendations and examples of dosing in this leaflet http://www.easylife.nl/english/folders/ ... nglish.pdf although I wold recommend dosing more Fosfo and keep higher CO2 level. And don't belive in Redfield Ratio mentioned in this leaflet :) . It looks like nitro...
  2. spider72

    How to raise nitrates in the tank

    Ferropol and Ferropol24 basicly contain micronutrients + K and maybe Mg. I can not say if your dosing is sufficient as I dont know what is a nutrient concentration in these products, but macronutrients are far more important to plants. It could be good to know what level of nutrients your DIY...
  3. spider72

    How to raise nitrates in the tank

    Nitrates toxicity is very low for fish/shrimps. Even sensitive fish can cope with 40mg/l NO3 level. I have keept accidently level of 80 mg/l NO3 over 6 weeks and I didn't notice any dead shrimp or fish. In planted tank (high plant biomas) with good light NO3 is used up quickly by plants, as it...